Claudio Herbener
architecture photography
Bringing Homes to Life - Same Day Delivery Guaranteed!
Real Estate Photography & virtual tours
For private persons, real estate & vacation rental agencies
As many photos as necessary, there are no limits. I take photos of the entire propertyBasic: 200€ small apartment / housepremium: 250€ finca / big house
VIRTUAL TOURMatterport 3D for 1€ / M2Add-ons
Floorplans 75€Mattertags (10 tags) 10€
Use Mattertags to add context to specific locations, objects, and features within your Spaces along the virtual tour.Short clip 15€
Long clip 20€
Short clip/long clip: add an animated video of the doll house and a preview of a space into your website, social media..
General Terms and Conditions- Maximum delivery time: 24 hours- Editing included in the price. The pictures will be delivered in High and low resolution.- The client is responsible for the preparation of the house for the session.- The photographer reserves the right to publish the photographs on his website and social media.- The ownership of the photographs is held by the photographer, who grants the client the license to use them.- The commissioning of a job by the client implies the acceptance of the rates, terms and conditions.- Taxes not included in the prices.
Claudio Herbener
architecture photography
Bringing Homes to Life - Same Day Delivery Guaranteed!
Real Estate Photography - Fixed and Fair Prices!